What is the message that you receive from "society" regarding success? If you're like me, success has been measured by how high (and quickly) you climb the ladder.
I think I may have figured out a better way to measure success though: have the heart of a servant. Normally, I don't beat you over the head with my faith, but I think that there are some wonderful lessons to be learned from the teachings of Jesus, particularly his approach to serving others.
Let me back up a bit.
When I was in high school, I put in just enough effort to do well with my grades. Aside from my wonderfully challenging AP English class (thanks, Mrs. F.!), I didn't really dig into any content area in detail.
So, I got all A's, was the top of my class, but I didn't really transfer any of the information I "learned" to my life. High school was just a hoop to jump through to get to the next level.
Honestly (sadly), I feel the same way about my undergraduate degree. I learned some valuable life lessons (living in a fraternity house helps with that), but I viewed my classes as a hindrance to getting on to "real life." Plus, what did I need to know about Ed Psych? I was going to be a band director!
This overall attitude of viewing my current station as a temporary condition followed me into my career as well. When I was subbing, I wanted a full time position. When I got a full(ish) time job (thanks, MC) I wanted to get a better job. When I got a better (paying) job, in fact, my DREAM JOB, I lasted for only four years before bailing on teaching music in general.
After leaving the classroom, I worked for a great company. I started moving up at the company, but eventually, I began to look for something "better." This led me to my current employer.
When I first started here, it was pretty unclear what my responsibilities would be. I made some effort to establish my role, but not really. Instead, a year in, I started looking elsewhere. Not seriously looking, but the key here is that my mind was not on what I could do to make my job awesome. I was looking for the next big thing. The next rung on the ladder.
I'm not sure exactly when my attitude changed, but it did. I sought out ways to help the overall organization, as well as the School to which I am assigned. I work hard to make a contribution to the university. This was accomplished through committee work, publication, and presentations at conferences. I represent my institution and strive to further our reputation.
I became a servant to my colleagues, and it has paid great dividends. I don't say, "that's not my job" even when it isn't. Instead, I help find a solution.
My attitude has changed from seeking out the next big thing (i.e., a "better" job) to being a better person in the job that I have.
So, what rewards, you may ask? I have been promoted from the Coordinator for Online Curriculum Development to the Director of Instructional Technology. While that may seem like promotion in title only, I did take on many new responsibilities (faculty training, primarily).
Now, instead of seeking out a better (higher on the ladder job), I'm letting that take care of itself. In fact, as a result of my efforts as the Director of Instructional Technology, after one year, I've been asked to take on two new positions this next academic year: Chair of the Graduate Education Department and Assistant Vice President of Online Education. Both of these roles are heavy, but I think I'm up to the challenges ahead. I now have a seat at the table where the significant academic decisions are made, and I feel absolutely honored that I am allowed to make such a contribution.
Please understand that I'm not bragging here, I just feel compelled to share how my life has changed for the better upon changing my attitude.
Instead of thinking, "I should get a great job at a great big university (ladder climbing)," I now say a prayer of thanks that I'm able to help others develop strong teaching practices. Anyone who has taught will understand when I say that not every moment of my day is filled with sheer joy. I do face challenges to my patience, regularly.
However, from some of my biggest challenges also come some of the biggest rewards. When I see a faculty member struggle but then get it, I feel like I've made a contribution to society (remind me to expand on contributing in a future post).
Boiled down, what am I really trying to say?
Work hard and serve others with a joyful heart, and let the rest take care of itself.
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